Since 2006, we install all power plants of French military forces in external operations (OPEX) to meet their power generation needs worldwide.
The military sector, Kapi Koncept is well aware of the issues, requirements and modes of operation. As a result : the company is able – in record time – to send its technical experts on site, the logistics and shipment of various materials (including customs formalities) and proceed to the commissioning of robust, reliable machines that need to be immediately operational. Kapi Koncept therefore attaches great importance to the maintenance and preventive maintenance for a continuous production of energy 24 hours /7 days / 365 days / year.
Assets of Kapi Koncept? Responsiveness, availability, rigor, performance and requirement.
Kapi Koncept main references:
- From 2011 to 2014, we have dedicated a team to Afghanistan as part of ISAF operation (International Security Assistance Force) for commissioning and maintenance of ten autonomous power plants. The equivalent of 13 MVA of electrical power produced.
- Currently, we support the French armies in Barkhane operations (Mali / Niger / Chad) and CHAMMAL Jordan and UNIFIL (Interim Force in Lebanon United Nations) in the south.